Our Solutions
New Regulations mean changes for insulation
In 2020 the government updated the thermal performance requirements for insulation. The new standards, called H1 Energy Efficiency Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 apply to new homes and buildings up to 300 m2. Requirements for buildings over 300 m2 have been combined into the new Acceptable Solution H1/AS2. The new standards are designed to make our buildings warmer, drier and up to 40% more energy efficient. For builders and installers, this means changes to the way insulation is specified and installed.
Bradford creates total home comfort with a comprehensive range of BRANZ Appraised insulation products that meet or exceed New Zealand Building code standards.We have three options of H1 solutions that will help keep you compliant:
Double Layer

High Density R1.8 product installed in between the joists, then R5.2 product is laid over the top.
Over the top

Single Layer R7.3 product installed over the top of the joists.
Single Layer

R7.3 product (450mm wide) is installed in-between the joists, then spills over the top to cover the joists.
The new Double Layer and Over the Top solutions are available at your local Mitre 10 store now. Our single layer spill-over product is now also available for specifying. For more information on how to insulate to the new H1 standards, talk to your installer or get in touch with us.
Specify Bradford Gold H1 Solutions with Masterspec: Masterspec - Write Construction Specifications Online
View our H1 Product Guide