Anticon Roofing Blanket
Acoustic, thermal and condensation control for commercial roofing
Anticon Roofing Blanket
Anticon has a reflective facing foil, specifically designed to act as a vapour control layer and contribute a reflective air-gap R-Value

Anticon Roofing Blanket
Acoustic, thermal and condensation control for commercial roofing
Anticon Roofing Blanket
Anticon has a reflective facing foil, specifically designed to act as a vapour control layer and contribute a reflective air-gap R-Value
Bradford Anticon is foil-faced insulation blanket specifically designed for temperature & noise control in buildings with metal roofs.
It is comprised of a glasswool blanket adhered to an impermeable reinforced reflective foil facing. This reduces radiant heat entering a home during summer, and helps prevent condensation in winter.
- Overview
- Applications
Available Facings
Manufactured in Australia for over 40 years, Anticon has a reflective facing foil, specifically designed to act as a vapour control layer and contribute a reflective air-gap R-Value to ensure the proper performance and appearance for your project.
Facing Description Emissivity1 Condensation Control2 Aesthetics3 Acoustics4 Thermoseal™ light duty 729 An economical reflective foil. ✔✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ 1 Emissivity is the ability of a material to emit energy by radiation – the table above provides guidance to the degree that the facing material impacts the performance of the total system R-Value (RT) of the insulation blanket and facing material.
2 Condensation control – please note that only facings that are vapour impermeable are suitable for condensation control, which requires all lap joints and penetrations to be lapped and taped at installation.
3 Aesthetics refers to the visual appearance of the exposed roof after installation – the table above provides guidance to the visual appearance that can be achieved with the facing material based on typical installation conditions. Other application and installation conditions may affect the visual appearance of the roof.
4 Acoustic performance of the facing material assumes same base material.Available Thicknesses
Bradford Anticon is available in a variety of thicknesses to suit your project needs.
Product Material R-Value1 Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (m)2 Product Code Anticon 60 R1.3 60 1200 30 15417 Anticon 80 R1.8 80 1200 15 16072 Anticon 100 R2.3 100 1200 10 15625 Notes: 1 Material R-value refers to the base Glasswool blanket only, as tested in accordance with AS/NZS4589.1. The overall system or total R-value is dependent on the type of construction. For guidance on full system performance contact your Bradford office.
2 Custom cut-to-length (CTL) are available by request to reduce waste and installation time.
Please contact CSR Bradford for expert advice specific to your project needs.